Environmental Data Science
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Environmental Data Science

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Adresa: | Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha |
Web: | https://www.czu.cz/cs/ |
Instituce: | Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze |
Fakulta: | Faculty of Environmental Sciences |
Obor studia: |
Vědy o Zemi |
Typ vzdělání: | Studijní program |
Úroveň vzdělání: | Bakalářské |
Forma studia: | Prezenční |
Délka: | 3 roky |
Jazyk studia: |
Anglicky |
Školné: |
Za rok:
EUR 1,500.00 (USD 1,582.92)
EUR 4,500.00 (USD 4,748.77)
€ 1500 for non-EU and € 500 for EU applicants |
Další informace: | Specialization description: The programme combines a strong theoretical background in environmental sciences with practical skills in data science to observe and analyze our land, water, air and biosphere. You can lead our society into the new data era with a solid understanding of the environmental processes and answer questions that have never been asked before. Graduate profile: Students come ready to learn, combining their natural curiosity with analytical precision and using their playful imagination to analyze both local and worldwide problems. CZU students are world travelers, researchers, athletes, and more. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to educating our students and revealing a culture of learning by doing so that they are best equipped to serve society as professionals, scholars, academic leaders, and entrepreneurs. Our students are our inspiration. |
Datum přihlášek | Začátek studia |
03/31/2025 | |
Program: |
Environmental Data Science |
Web: | https://is.czu.cz/prihlaska/zaloz_eosobu.pl?fakulta=50;typ_pz=12781;obdobi=1275;stupen=1;misto_vyuky=1;lang=en |
Fakulta: |
Faculty of Environmental Sciences |
Adresa: | Kamýcká 1176/129, 165 21 Praha |
Kontaktní osoba: |
prof. Ing. Martin Hanel, PhD |
Pozice: | Vice Dean for International Relations |
E-mail: | hanel@fzp.czu.cz |
Telefon: | +420 224 382 959 |
Web: | https://www.fzp.czu.cz/en/ |
Instituce: |
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze |
Adresa: | Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha |
Kontaktní osoba: |
Email for international cooperation |
E-mail: | iro@czu.cz |
Kontaktní osoba: |
Email for international students |
E-mail: | iro@czu.cz |
Kontaktní osoba: |
Mikuláš Josek |
Pozice: | International Relations Officer |
E-mail: | iro@czu.cz |
Telefon: | +420 224 382 072 |
Web: | http://www.czu.cz/en |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/CZUPrague/ |
Název: |
CZU awards scholarships only to duly enrolled students |
Poznámka: |
CZU does not award scholarships to prospective applicants, who are not duly enrolled in studies at CZU CZU awards scholarships only to duly enrolled students: 1. Merit (for outstanding study results or outstanding research) 2. Accommdoation subsidy 3. Extraordinary scholarships (for selected students in precarious situations) |
Částka: | Individuální |